Thursday, November 6, 2008

postponed ink

So today's my day off from work and the only thing that I had planned was to go to my tattoo shop for another session of ink on my back-piece. However, once I got to the shop, my artist [Joe] tells me that there was a scheduling mistake and instead of my appointment being at 1pm, it's now at 5pm! Well this sucks because at 5pm in autumn it's dark and gets pretty nippy outside. Add the dark and cold with the fact that I was already gonna be pretty cold because of the trauma that my body was/is gonna be put through, and u get a pretty brutal evening. just to pour a lil' salt in the "wound", I've got a date 2nite with a lil hottie I haven't seen since high school. So now I'm gonna be cold and soar, all while having to be charming and entertaining....good thing we're going out for a few drinks [LoL].

Ugh, my day's gone fro
m being pretty laid-back and spread out, to being lo-key hectic and riddled with time management. How do these things happen to me?

With the 4hrs I had to sp
are, I decided to be somewhat productive with my time.
I chilled with some friends, had a strongly worded discus
sion with a lady friend of mine, inhaled some "inspiration"....all-n-all it wasn't bad time spent.
Especially since I wouldn't be waiting in vaighn. 5 o' clock struck and I was at the t
attoo shop.

These are usdated pix of a project still underway:

[this was now my 4th session]


shading scales [upper back]

JAN. 15th/2009


  1. thanx bro
    I just had anotha session gets better everytime
    I'll have new pics posted soon
