Monday, November 17, 2008

(dennis) due to mid-life crisis

well due to school (which owns me right now) i havent really been able to keep up posting in the blog
(if you even cared) *eh*
but mid-terms are here, projects, reports and all that jive ass shit is taking up my WHOLE social life
me and najee are on the same boat..well him more on the work side of things
but never fear we shall get bacc on the grind soon

fidm succs (cuz im in class)

currently listening to: spottieottiedopealicious / outkast

1 comment:

  1. Yeh man, I kno we both workin like Virginia slaves
    -You in school, me at work...wit our powers combined we'd be one accomplished human...too bad life isnt an early 90's cartoon

    The only cool part about my day was that I got to go to the LA Auto Show before any mere mortal soul got to

    U didnt here this from me but Lotus has some new shit comin' out...keep that on the low down...down low [no doubt]

    peace and love my brutha, catch ya on the flip-flop.
